articles | 19 August 2019

July 2019 sets record for tourist arrivals

July 2019 set a new all-time record for tourist arrivals for the specific month, breaking the 550,000 mark.

According to the Statistical Service, 550,971 people visited Cyprus in July 2019 compared to 539,626 in the same month last year, an increase of 2.1%.

Overall, however, the January to July period this year recorded a marginal slowdown compared to the same period of 2018. Total tourist arrivals during the first seven months of 2019 numbered 2,181,994 compared to 2,184,775 in the corresponding period last year.

Tourist arrivals from the United Kingdom were 5.4% up in July 2019 compared to July 2018.

Tourist traffic from Israel rose 42.0% compared to July last year, while tourist numbers from Russia and Sweden were down 4.8% and 9.3%, respectively.

The United Kingdom, the main source of tourism for July 2019, accounted for 33.4% of arrivals, Russia for 21.0%, Israel 8.5% and Sweden 4.3%.

According to the Passengers Survey, 87% of tourists stated the purpose of their trip was holidays, 10.4% for visiting friends and relatives, and 2.6% on business.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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