articles | 18 December 2018

Job vacancy rate both in Cyprus and the Euroarea rises to 2.1% in Q3 2018

The job vacancy rate in the euro area (EA19) was 2.1% in the third quarter of 2018, stable compared with the previous quarter and up from 1.9% in the third quarter of 2017, according to figures published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In the EU28, the job vacancy rate was 2.2% in the third quarter of 2018, stable compared with the previous quarter and up from 2.0% in the third quarter of 2017. In Cyprus the job vacancy rate was 2.1% up from 1.4% in the second quarter and 1.4% in the same quarter of 2017.

In the euro area, the job vacancy rate in the third quarter of 2018 was 2.0% in industry and construction (1.7% for Cyprus), and 2.3% in services (2.5% for Cyprus). In the EU28, the rate was 2.1% in industry and construction, and 2.5% in services.

Among the Member States for which comparable data are available , the highest job vacancy rates in the third quarter of 2018 were recorded in Czechia (5.9%), Belgium (3.6%), Germany, the Netherlands and Austria (all 3.0%). In contrast, the lowest rates were observed in Greece (0.6%), Spain (0.8%) and Bulgaria (0.9%).

Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, the job vacancy rate in the third quarter of 2018 rose in twenty two Member States, remained stable in Belgium, Ireland, Spain and Italy, but fell in Estonia (-0.4 percentage points – pp) and Lithuania (-0.1 pp). The largest increases were registered in Czechia (+1.8 pp), Cyprus (+0.7 pp), Finland (+0.6 pp), Latvia and the Netherlands (both +0.5 pp).

Source: InCyprus

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