articles | 10 November 2014

January to September 2014 trade deficit widens to €2.8 billion

Cyprus’ trade deficit in the first nine months of the year widened €399.7 million to €2.8 billion the statistics department said.

In January to September, overall imports rose by €299 million to €3.9 billion while overall exports fell by €100.7 million to above €1.1 billion, Cystat said in a statement on its website today.

Total imports/arrivals (covering total imports from third countries and arrivals from other member states) in January-August amounted to €3.25b as compared to €3.14b in January-August 2013.

Total exports/dispatches were €995.6 million from €1.06b in January-August 2013. During August total imports/arrivals were valued at €414.8m. Total exports/dispatches, including stores and provisions, in August amounted to €89.9m.

Εxports/dispatches of domestically produced goods, including stores and provisions, were €45.7m whilst exports/dispatches of foreign goods, including stores and provisions, were €44.2m.

Source: InCyprus

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