articles | 21 February 2016

Investment funds assets down by 0.8% in December 2015

Investment funds total assets recorded a drop of 0.8% in December 2015, down to €2,886m compared with €2,908m in September 2015, data released by the Central Bank of Cyprus show.

According to the CB data, total deposits of investment funds stood at the end of the last quarter of 2015 at €216.7 million and their loans at €26.1 million, compared with €216.1 million deposits and €28.9 million at the end of the previous quarter.

In total, 73 investment funds submitted data to the Central Bank for the last quarter of 2015 as opposed to 67 at the end of September 2015.

In December 2014 total assets of the 83 investment funds which had submitted data came to €2,551.2 million.

Source: Famagusta Gazette

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