articles | 27 November 2014

Internet users show significant rise in Cyprus

Internet access for households in Cyprus continued to rise in 2014 reaching 68.6% compared to 64.7% in 2013, a survey issued by the Statistical Service reports.

According to the survey, the individuals that used the Internet rose from 65,5% in 2013 to 69,3% in 2014.

A computer is found in 95,5% of households with dependent children, while in households where there are no dependent children the percentage is only 63,2%. The percentage of households with access to a tablet computer increases significantly to 32,8% in 2014 compared to 18,7% in 2013.

Broadband connection is used in all households for access to the Internet by 99,9%, whereas 7,1% of the households with Internet access have mobile connection to the Internet (via handset, broadband card, USB).

Individuals 16 – 24 years old (96,4%) and students (98,7%) are the more frequent Internet users. This percentage decrease with age since only 15,2% of individuals 65 – 74 years old use the Internet. Men are using the Internet more frequently than women with a percentage of 67,0% and 63,8% respectively.

The most popular Internet activities are finding information about goods or services, and sending/receiving e-mails (89,0% and 73,8% of Internet users respectively).

Furthermore, 18,4% of the persons that use the Internet in the first quarter of 2014, used storage space on the Internet (e.g. dropbox, windows Onedrive/Skydrive, Google Drive) or file sharing services (e.g. Picasa, Flickr).

More than a fifth of persons made online orders for goods and services in the first three months of 2014 while more than 60% of them order clothes and sports goods (60,6%) and 54,4% make their travel arrangements (tickets, hotel, car hire etc.).

The data were collected with personal interviews and it covered all the government controlled areas of the Republic of Cyprus. The reference period of the survey was the first quarter of 2014. The survey covered 1.884 households and 4.141 individuals aged between 16 – 74 years old.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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