articles | 08 September 2018

International conference on natural gas being held in Nicosia

The discovery of more than 60 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean creates great expectations for transforming the region into a major energy supplier - and as a result Cyprus will host its first ever professional/scientific workshop,

Following the discovery of Zohr, emphasis has shifted to carbonate rocks. Geological aspects will make-up one of the topics that will be covered at the first professional/scientific workshop to be organised in Cyprus under the auspices of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).

The workshop will also deal with the characteristics of regional petroleum reservoirs, the development and production of gas fields, offshore systems such as pipelines, health, safety and environmental matters, as well as training and education. What’s more, the workshop will feature experts from oil companies and universities such as ENI, Noble Energy, Shell, Assured Solutions, CHC, DNV-GL, University of Oxford, University of Western Australia as well as consultants.

Speakers will also present the state-of-the-art methods for natural gas treatment while the forum will seek ways to strengthen synergies between companies, governments, universities and service companies. Concluding, speakers will highlight good petroleum industry practices considered vital for rendering Cyprus into a service hub for supporting the Eastern Med gas industry.

The conference will be held at the University of Nicosia, between September 12 and 13, 2018. For more info, please visit the workshop’s (Oil and Gas in the East Med – From Geology to Commercialisation) website:

Source: Cyprus Mail

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