articles | 22 April 2019

Industrial turnover index highest ever for January 2019

The Industrial Turnover Index in January 2019 registered the highest ever point for the first month of the year since data began being collected, according to figures released by the Statistical Service.

The index came to 129.0 units (base year 2015 = 100), the highest recorded for a January.

For manufacturing, the sub-index reached 124.2, or a 7.3% increase on January 2018.

In mining and quarrying, the sub-index rose 5.4% compared to January last year.

The sub-index for electricity supply went up by 38.6%, and by 11.8% for the Water Supply and Materials Recovery.

Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel and leather products was up 12.6% on January 2018.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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