articles | 03 February 2022

Increase in online shopping

Online shopping in Cyprus grew by a faster rate than the EU average as Covid-19 restrictions accelerated an already growing trend in favour of re-commerce, but still remained among the lowest in the bloc.

Figures released by Eurostat on Wednesday show that in the 12 months prior to the 2021 survey, 90% of people aged 16 to 74 in the EU had used the internet, 74% of whom had bought or ordered goods or services for private use.

Online shopping increased by 1 percentage point (pp) compared with 2020 (73% of internet users) and by 11 pp compared with 2016 (63%).

For Cyprus the 2021 figure was 57%, up 5pp from 52% in 2020 and 19 pp from 38% in 2016.

The highest shares of internet users who bought or ordered goods or services over the internet in the 12 months prior to the survey were recorded in the Netherlands (94%), Denmark (92%) and Sweden (89%). On the other hand, fewer than 50% had shopped online in Romania (44%) and Bulgaria (42%).

Over the last five years, the largest increases in online shopping among internet users were recorded in Czechia (+27 pp), Slovenia, Hungary and Romania (all +26 pp), as well as Croatia and Lithuania (both +25 pp).

In the three months prior to the survey, the most common online purchases of goods were clothes (including sport clothing), shoes or accessories (ordered by 68% of online shoppers).

Wearables were followed by deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains and catering services (31%), furniture, home accessories or gardening products (29%), cosmetics, beauty or wellness products (27%), followed by printed books, magazines or newspapers (25%), sports goods (excluding sport clothing) (24%), computers, tablets, mobile phones or their accessories (23%) and children’s toys or childcare items (20%).

Source: Cyprus Mail

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  • Logo for Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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