articles | 09 June 2017

IMF praises Cyprus economic recovery

The IMF Executive Board has praised the noteworthy financial achievements of Cyprus since the country’s exit from the bailout programme.

However, the IMF stresses that the country’s ability to pay back its loans is satisfactory but subject to risks.

In its report, the IMF says that Cyprus’s economic recovery has continued to strengthen in the 15 months since it exited from the Fund-supported program.

“Economic growth has been broad-based and reached a robust 2.8% in 2016, supporting a sharp drop in the unemployment rate. Excluding large one-off imports, the current account deficit continued to narrow and earlier gains in price competitiveness have been preserved,” says the IMF.

The IMF continued: “The fiscal primary surplus reached a sizable 2.3% of GDP (on a cash basis) in 2016, supported by reforms undertaken in previous years and improving cyclical conditions, and the cost of market-based borrowing by the sovereign has fallen considerably. The restructuring of nonperforming loans has also gained momentum.”

However, “the clean-up of private and public sector balance sheets is progressing slowly, and indebtedness remains very large,” stresses the Fund.

The IMF also makes projections over the medium term, saying that the pace of growth is expected to gradually ease to just over 2%, due mainly to two factors: an expected pickup in private sector debt servicing and rebuilding of savings buffers, which will trim consumption growth; and gradual dissipation of the current ongoing surge in investment.

Coupled with write-down of debt, the stepped-up debt servicing will gradually restore private indebtedness to a more sustainable level and improve the banking sector’s financial health. The fiscal primary surplus is expected to reach 3% of GDP in 2017 and moderate to 2.5% of GDP during 2018–22, helping to lower public debt net of cash holdings to just over 80% of GDP by 2022.

Executive Board Assessment 

Below is the IMF Executive Board Assessment of Cyprus in full:

“The Executive Directors welcomed Cyprus’s notable economic achievements since exiting the Fund-supported program in early 2016, including strengthening output and employment growth, sizable primary fiscal surpluses, and an ongoing gradual healing of the banking system. Nonetheless, these achievements have not yet resulted in significant reductions in the high levels of private-sector debt, nonperforming loans, and general government liabilities. Directors, therefore, urged the authorities to build on their efforts.

Directors noted that Cyprus’s capacity to repay the Fund is satisfactory but subject to risks. Sustained moderate GDP growth and primary fiscal surpluses are expected to underpin repayment capacity, supported by a back loaded maturity profile of official debt and continued access to capital markets on favourable terms. Directors welcomed the authorities’ intention to repay early part of Fund credit, which would further reduce debt servicing cost. Nonetheless, to safeguard repayment ability in the event of volatile economic growth and financial shocks, Directors urged more ambitious policies to increase policy buffers and reduce private and public sector debt.

Directors recommended measures to accelerate the downward paths of nonperforming loans and private sector leverage to strengthen the efficiency of credit allocation, eliminate debt overhangs, protect the adequacy of banks’ capital, and improve the payment culture. Directors advised formulating tools that incentivize banks to offer sustainable loan workout packages to viable debtors and increase reliance on third-party debt servicers, while also streamlining court procedures for claims settlement and ensuring that regulations encourage timely recognition of losses.

Directors called for further efforts to curb public debt to create fiscal headroom and insulate the downward path of public debt from potential shocks. This could be achieved by saving over performance and windfall revenues and restarting stalled privatisations. A few Directors cautioned, however, that additional fiscal effort could hinder the economic recovery. Directors noted that allocating additional resources to growth-enhancing public investment and implementing structural fiscal reforms to avoid expenditure slippages and unfunded tax cuts are also essential to bring down public debt. Directors welcomed the authorities’ commitment to ensure that healthcare, public sector wage bill, and public sector pension reforms do not pose risks to fiscal sustainability.

Directors encouraged the authorities to restart macro-critical structural reforms to enhance competition and encourage broad-based investment and economic growth. Directors recommend establishing a dedicated commercial court, strengthening enforcement of commercial claims, and reviving the privatisation program.”

Source: InCyprus

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