articles | 03 March 2020

Health services urge travellers from northern Italy to stay home for 14 days

The health services on Monday urged individuals who have returned from northern Italy to confine themselves to their homes to help prevent any spready of Covid-19 as three more people were being tested at Limassol hospital.

An Asian man who may have come in contact with a confirmed coronavirus case while in Milan, Italy is at the Limassol general hospital for monitoring, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said on Monday.

Two other people who have come in contact with him have been isolated. All three are being monitored pending their test results for Covid-19.

The man returned to Cyprus last week after spending a month in Milan and it was possible he may have come in contact with a confirmed coronavirus case while he was there, the minister said.

After returning to Cyprus he isolated himself and was taking precautionary measures but after developing a fever decided to go to the hospital.

He has now been admitted to the Limassol hospital’s negative pressure room, the minister said.

On Sunday, a patient who reported to the Limassol general hospital the previous day and who had recently travelled to Milan tested negative for Covid-19, the health minister said.

The 36-year-old man had no symptoms but he was tested as a precautionary measure. Posting on Twitter Ioannides said he had been informed by the Centre for Neurology and Genetics that the case came back negative.

He said measures were continuing as normal at the airports, ports and checkpoints. “Our only concern is the protection of public health,” he said.

The health ministry committee overseeing the coronavirus situation, said on Monday that people who travelled to areas north of Pisa and Florence need to stay home and monitor themselves for symptoms of the coronavirus for a period of 14 days as of their return. The committee said if symptoms arise, the individuals should communicate with the 24-hour hotline at 1420.

The same instructions pertain for people, who have visited South Korea, Iran, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.  Symptoms could include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.

Source: Cyprus Mail


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