articles | 16 November 2020

Health Minister issues decree on travel ban

Cyprus Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou on Friday issued a decree on travel ban and specific restrictions following the new measures in Limassol and Paphos districts to contain the spread of COVID-19.

The two districts are placed in a quarantine until November 30th. Stricter measures also apply in other districts in line of what was announced November 4th.

The Police have announced that they will start checking citizens and report them for violations as of 1200 noon today.

The decree states that there is a travel ban in Limassol and Paphos districts from 23.00 pm. until 05.00 am local time, except for the following cases: going to and from workplaces, as well as for work purposes using a certificate from the employer, for medical purposes or going to the pharmacy or the veterinarian for medical emergencies, and for hunting purposes from 03.00 am. only during the allowed hunting day with the use of a hunting license and proof of their permanent residence. Hunters from the districts of Nicosia, Larnaca and Famagusta are not allowed to hunt in the districts of Limassol and Paphos.

The decree specifies the circumstances under which certain citizens are exempt from the restrictions and can still travel to, from and between the districts of Limassol and Paphos.

Exempt from the cross-district travel (Limassol and Paphos) are truck drivers transporting finished goods or raw materials; they must carry shipment documentation. Also, persons who work at construction sites, oil facilities, in the food and agriculture industry, or for companies manufacturing medicines. Persons needed for emergency repairs of machinery are allowed to travel, as are media people with a valid journalist’s ID and a permission from their employer.

Exempt from the travel ban, provided they have a permission signed by their employer, are also persons working in the following areas of activity: supply of electricity, water supply, telecommunications, safe operation of air transport and air traffic control, operation of prisons, repairs or maintenance of gear and electromechanical installations of the police, the fire department and the National Guard, secure operation of harbour traffic and secure operation of waste management.

Travel is also allowed for persons traveling to or from the Larnaca and Paphos international airports but they must carry their ticket with passenger`s name and all other flight details.

The transport of freight from and to the port of Limassol, the port of Larnaca, Larnaca airport, and Paphos airport – whatever the origin and destination of the trip – is permitted, provided the driver can produce the consignment note.

Parcel deliveries and private security services among all districts are also allowed. Athletes and sports clubs competing either in the first division or for the national team may travel for training purposes or for competition.

Buses and taxis may travel to, from and between all districts.

Divorced or separated parents with the relevant court papers may travel to and from Limassol and Paphos to visit their children.

As of 5am on Wednesday November 18, all those persons exempt from the travel restrictions will additionally be required to display a negative PCR test that has been issued seven days prior to the date of travel.

In  Limassol and Paphos districts, a curfew is also in place from 8pm to 5am. Elsewhere, the curfew runs from 11pm to 5am.

In Limassol and Paphos gatherings in public places (parks, squares, dams, picnic areas, beaches, sidewalks and marinas, etc.) are prohibited, except for sports purposes, provided that they do not exceed two people, excluding the minor children of parents who do sports.

It is allowed to be present at gatherings in homes with a maximum number of 10 people per house, including minors. Religious ceremonies (weddings, baptisms, funerals) are allowed with a maximum number of 10 people but church services are to be held without the presence of people.

Public and private lyceums and Higher Education Institutions must proceed with distance education as from November 16. Kindergartens, primary schools and gymnasiums continue to operate normally.

The public services (public, wider public sector and Local Government Authorities) will operate with security personnel for urgent matters and serving the citizens for emergencies.

Visits to public and private hospitals, clinics, medical and diagnostic centers are prohibited.

Restaurants, taverns, cafes, pizzerias, pubs, breweries, snack bars, bars, cafes, and restaurants within canteens etc are to suspend their operation, with the exception of home delivery and take-away services.

Beauty salons, hairdressers and barbershops as well as gyms must suspend their operations.

Island wide the measures announced on November 4 are still in place. In addition, the vulnerable groups and senior citizens and citizens with disabilities are allowed to exclusively shop in supermarkets and pharmacies until 10 in the morning.


Source: In-Cyprus


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