articles | 09 January 2017

Government surplus seen at €65.5m in Jan-Nov 2016

The general government in generated in January to November 2016 a budget surplus of €65.5m on a cash basis which was almost six times higher than that of 2015, the Finance Ministry said.

The improved fiscal balance resulted from cash-basis versus accrual-basis adjustments worth €55.7m in January to November last year, the ministry said in a statement on its website on Monday. Revenue in the said period rose by €127m to almost €5.8bn and expenditure dropped by €42m to below €5.8bn.

The increase in revenue in the first 11 months of 2016 was on a €138m increase in indirect tax revenue, including €96m in value added tax, the Finance Ministry said. The drop in spending resulted mainly from €65m decrease in current transfers, a drop in interest payments by €39m and pensions by €23m which more than offset a €38m increase in social security payments and a €31m rise in subsidies.

The primary balance in January to November last year which excludes net interest payments on government debt was €509.4m which was €37m more compared to a year before, the ministry said.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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