articles | 17 August 2016

Government revenue figures for Q2 2016

The total revenue of the General Government decreased by 8.6% in the second quarter of 2016, compared to the same period of 2015, the Statistical Service said recently.

On the basis of the preliminary data on the General Government accounts for the period April-June 2016, total revenue amounted to €1,461.2 million, while total expenditure reached €1,652.1 million, resulting in a deficit of €190.9 million as compared to a deficit of €12.2 million in the corresponding period of the previous year.

The main categories of revenue for the period April-June 2016 were: taxes on production and imports €630.6 million (3.4% increase as compared to the corresponding quarter of 2015), of which VAT was €372.1 million (5.1% increase), and taxes on income and wealth €271.8 million (1.9% increase).

Revenue from sales of goods and services decreased by 10.6% as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year reaching €117.4 million.

The main categories of expenditure for the period April-June 2016 were: social transfers €656.8 million (3.8% increase), and compensation of employees (including imputed social contributions and pensions of civil servants) €512.2 million (1.0% decrease). Intermediate consumption reached €137.4 million (5.6% decrease as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year).

Source: InCyprus

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