articles | 04 June 2020

Government presses fast forward on relaxation of restrictions

The Cabinet on Wednesday gave the green light for the relaxation of certain restrictions faster than what was initially anticipated, given that Cyprus appears to have reacted well to the gradual lifting of lockdown measures so far.

Speaking after the Cabinet meeting, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said “we took certain decisions as regards the further relaxation of restriction measures, taking into consideration the very good epidemiological picture that is being observed in Cyprus despite the gradual relaxation of measures since May 4, as well as the suggestions submitted before myself and the President on Tuesday by the advisory committee of experts.”

After listing the government’s decisions, Ioannou responded to a relevant question by a reporter that the reopening of checkpoints was not discussed.

Cyprus fast-forwards initial lockdown exit plan

The third phase of the gradual relaxation of measures will kickoff as planned on June 9, but Ioannou said it will only span until June 24, instead of until July 14 as per the initial plan. On June 24, the day marking the completion of phase three, the rule governing gatherings of groups of no more than 10 people will be scrapped, but Ioannou called on the public to maintain safe distances.

Even before the official onset of the third phase, the government on Wednesday decided that certain restrictions are lifted from as early as June 5.

The third phase will see certain restrictions lifted on three different dates: June 5, June 9, and June 13.

June 5

Public and private swimming pools will reopen to the public.

June 9

Shopping malls will reopen, in unison with airports, and cruise ships will be allowed to access ports.

Indoor areas of food and drink spots and hotels will be able to accept customers in indoor areas.

Open-air theatres and cinemas will resume operation.

Sports leagues will resume without the attendance of fans.

Nurseries and kindergartens, children’s outdoor playareas, all-day public and summer schools, as well as school canteens will resume operation.

June 13

Casinos, dance and martial arts schools, gyms, and theme parks will reopen doors.

Fourth and final phase still being mapped out

The Health Minister said that concrete decisions on what the fourth phase will consist off were not taken on Wednesday.

But the government did pinpoint that the indoor spaces of theatres and cinemas won’t be allowed to reopen to the public until early August.

Further, concerts, festivals, and wedding, baptism, and graduation ceremonies won’t be taking place until September 1.

Source: Knews

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