articles | 24 October 2019

Global Energy and the Eastern Mediterranean conference

The Cyprus Economic Society is organising a Conference on ‘Global Energy and the Eastern Mediterranean’ with Nick Butler and Charles Ellinas.

The Conference will take place on Tuesday, 29 October at the Bank of Cyprus Head Offices and it will start at 17:45. The speakers will be Nick Butler on “The Changing Global Energy Market and the Issues It Raises for the East Med” and Charles Ellinas on “East-Med Gas Developments – Is Gas Worth the Trouble It Causes?”


Nick Butler is Visiting Professor and Chair of the Kings Policy Institute at Kings College London. A renowned expert on energy, he spent 29 years with BP, including five years as Group Vice President for Policy and Strategy Development. He also served as Senior Policy Adviser to the former British PM Gordon Brown as well as Chairman of the Centre for European Reform and Treasurer of the Fabian Society. From 2007 to 2009 he was Chairman of the Cambridge Centre for Energy Studies.

Nick Butler is an adviser to a number of companies and institutions in the energy business. In 2018 he was appointed to the expert panel of advisers for the Faraday Institution, which is the UK’s leading independent institute on the development of batteries and energy storage. He is a regular contributor to the Financial Times on energy and power.

Charles Ellinas is an oil and gas engineer and has been working in the oil and gas sector for more than 35 years in the UK and the Middle East.  He is currently the CEO and Founder of the Cyprus-based EC Natural Hydrocarbons Company offering advisory services and project management in the energy and oil and gas sectors. He is a Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Global Energy Centre, Atlantic Council and Senior Fellow of IENE (Infra Eco Network Europe). He served as CEO of the Cyprus National Hydrocarbons Company between 2012 and 2013 and prior to that he was Managing Director, Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals at the Mott McDonald Group where he was employed for 25 years. He holds a PhD in Structural Engineering from University College, London.

The conference is open to the public.


Source: Cyprus Mail


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