Only 27.5% of women in Cyprus are in decision-making positions, while their presence in positions of responsibility in businesses is generally low, according to a new study by the University of Cyprus Field Research Centre.
There is also a gendered segregation in the Cypriot labour market, with 47.5% of respondents saying there are areas where mostly women are employed, 39% agreeing this was true to some extent and 13.5% stating this was not the case.
Cypriot businesses demonstrate their willingness to implement good practices to promote gender equality in the workplace, the study found, such as flexible working hours, hours granted to visit schools and early retirement.
Additional leave for parents, paid time off for emergency child care and paternity leave which is not institutionalised in Cyprus are ranked lower but many executives stated they would adhere to any law.
In general, the survey concluded, the situation has improved, at least among administrative staff.
“The majority of participants believed that women and men possess in equal measure characteristics of an effective employee or manager like determination, consistency, teamwork abilities, professionalism and calm. It is interesting that about one quarter of the participants systematically placed women outweighing men in important features,” a statement said.
However, a significant percentage of around 10% to 15% appears to agree to explicit stereotypes that place women in subordinate positions, they added.
The results were obtained from interviews at 334 businesses all over Cyprus during May and June 2016.
Source: Cyprus Mail