articles | 08 May 2014

Gas find upgrades Cyprus' role in East Med

Efforts to solve the Cyprus problem, the discovery of hydrocarbon reserves in Cyprus' exclusive economic zone and the impact on the Cyprus solution were the main topics discussed at an event organised recently in Nicosia.

The public discussion titled ‘Security and Stability in the Eastern Mediterranean: Challenges and Prospects’ was organized by the office of the European Commission in Cyprus and OPEK ( Association for Social Reform).

The event was addressed by the Ambassadors of US John Koening and Israel Michael Harari and the Head of the European Commission Representation in Cyprus George Markopouliotis and it was attended by academics, former President of the Republic George Vasiliou, former Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou Markoullis, representatives of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce, representatives of Turkish occupied municipalities etc.

In his speech the Head of the EC Representation George Markopouliotis expressed his strong belief that 10 years after EU accession, most Cypriots understand that being part of the European family has helped the country to become a European pillar of stability in this turbulent region.

However, he said, Cyprus can further upgrade its role in the Eastern Mediterranean. “As many Europeans overcame the divisions that kept them apart for many decades, now it is time for all Cypriots to do exactly that. To put an end to the unacceptable situation that exists and to reunite their country”, he noted.

Markopouliotis stressed the benefits from the solution and the reunification of Cyprus such as the major investments in many areas (building sector, tourism etc) adding that there are estimates that a settlement would lead to approximately a doubling of the GDP of the whole island by 2035.

According to the Head of the EC Representation, a reunited Cyprus would mean better lives for all Cypriots and a settlement of the Cyprus issue would lead to the country becoming an anchor of stability in the region.

“A reunited Cyprus could serve as a shining example to the other countries in the area. It would show that nothing is impossible, once the will to compromise and cooperate is in place”, he noted.

US Ambassador John Koening said that his country has a strong and abiding interest on security and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean, adding that for the US strategic partnership with EU is vital for security issues and Cyprus’ membership is alsovery important.

He also referred to the developments in the region since the Arab Spring, which he said, has taken different aspects in each of those countries such as Syria. The Ambassador also expressed his gratitude for the assistance Cyprus has provided for the removal of chemical weapons and its humanitarian aid. He also referred to the situation in Lebanon and to the Iranian nuclear program.

He said that cooperation is important for the interests of both US and Cyprus adding that Cyprus will become a much important partner once a solution is achieved.

Israeli Ambassador Michael Harari referring to Arab Spring said that his county “did quite well” as it managed not to be part of it and not to be dragged into the developments.

Referring to the major challenges in the region, he talked about the negotiations with Iran, the situation in Syria and the negotiations with Palestinians. He talked about the relations with Cyprus, pointing out that these relations have deepened and widened in the past years. Ambassador Harari said that a solution to the Cyprus problem is of great importance for the whole region.

OPEK Chairman Kyriakos Pierides gave to the press a letter the Association sent to Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission and Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on April 30th, in which it stresses among other things that in the final settlement of the Cyprus problem, “the EU needs to express, at the highest level, its political will to guarantee, via the European Council and the European Commission, the full and complete implementation of the solution, with the Council of Ministers having special responsibility for monitoring and supervising compliance to the agreed terms”.

OPEK points out that the fact that Turkey is on the road to EU membership, facilitates the pursuit of this objective, adding that we need a fresh approach that must be in tune with new trends in the contemporary world, an approach which reflects the status of Cyprus as a member of the EU.

The Association says that the right of unilateral intervention – not excluding military intervention – in the internal affairs of a Member State of the EU, contravenes all the treaties on which the EU was constructed from its founding in 1957 to the present day.

“This is why we suggest that the EU should assume the responsibility to supervise, for as long as necessary, a different mechanism of European guarantees, which are consistent with the current status of the island as a Member State of the European Union, making use for this purpose of all the relevant provisions of the Treaty of Lisbon”, it is pointed out.

OPEK also says that the once the solution to the Cyprus problem has been agreed upon, the EU’s contribution to security needsto be expressed in a practical manner, in a manner that will be understood by every citizen.

“Such a prospect is widely accepted among Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. This shows that Cypriots trust the European framework as a security framework for the whole of Cyprus”, the letters concludes.

Source: Famagusta Gazette

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