articles | 11 September 2017

Funding sought by Cyprus for research energy centre

The Republic of Cyprus, through the private sector and the University of Cyprus, is claiming funding of €10m to €12m for the development of a €24m research program through the EU Horizon 2020 program.

An application has already been submitted to Brussels and being reviewed as to whether it meets the objectives of the program.

The president of the research program Dr. Venizelos Efthymiou of the University of Cyprus

The president of the research program is Dr. Venizelos Efthymiou of the University of Cyprus, and in addition to the private company Alfa Mediterranean Enterprises Ltd, the program includes Deloitte, Alpha Bank, the Government of China, Fichtner, Turboden and Cleandrone, the Cyprus Office of Energy the cluster of Kouris – Xylourikos communities.

Innovation is vital to the development project proposed by the consortium through the 24HourSolar project.

Through this project, the consortium is confident that it will deliver concentrated solar energy (CSP) systems based on graphite storage capable of being a major solar power supplier for 24 hours a day and 365 days a year in areas such as Cyprus with very high radiation most days of the calendar year.

The goal is to develop the technology that won the NER300 award after 2030.

The EOS Green Energy Project in Cyprus is the result of a competitive process through the European Commission’s NER 300 financial competition. This project was proposed to Cyprus in July 2014 for a grant under the second round of the NER300 program, was awarded the tender and was awarded an amount of €60.2 million.

After completing all the due diligence procedures of the European Council and EIB for the construction of the project in Cyprus with a total budget of €175 million has passed all stages of the approval and is scheduled to proceed with the construction of the project in the spring of 2018 thus creating a platform for further research the area to improve the technologies developed.

The aim of the research program is to create a research energy center at the Kouris – Xylorikos complex. This will explore ways of increasing the efficiency of turbines in the range of 2MW to 20MW, as well as increasing the efficiency of cleaning the mirrors with revolutionary drone systems and minimizing water consumption.

The strategic development of EOS technology in the Mediterranean islands as well as in all countries in southern Europe and North Africa, where the need for autonomous power generation and supply systems makes the development of such technologies a prime objective, especially when combined with much lower production costs from the cost of producing electricity from liquid and solid fuels, which EOS technology is fully responding to.

It achieves the approach of the Republic of Cyprus, the European Commission and the United Nations based on the Paris Agreement, for a clean environment away from liquid and solid fuels, passing on to a low-carbon economy and away from carbon dioxide. It is extraordinary that the Republic of Cyprus, with its inexhaustible sources of energy mainly from the sun and the clean climate, could develop sectors of the economy, especially agriculture, tourism and the production and supply of energy, claiming the first in the complete detoxification from solid and liquid fuels, thisshould be the goal to be achieved after 2030.

It is expected that if Brussels approves the program, job creation will be made in Kouris – Xylourikou area, preventing urbanization and giving many children smiles in the idyllic environment and landscape of the 12 communities (Alassa, Korfi, Apessia, Limnati, Ag., Trimiklini, Lania, Doros, Monagri, Agios Georgios and Sylikos) that form the complex.

Further development of universities research level is expected, with all the positive consequences, which will stimulate the global interest in this forgotten region, which, unfortunately, from the independence of the Republic of Cyprus and thereafter the state has spent little on development.

Tourism will be of great interest for a visit to the thermal parks, mainly research and commercial assistance, with the advice of a postgraduate school combined with the beautiful traditional villages of the countryside, which create our tax office with just a small visit to them.

The security of the transmission and distribution network, as well as the beneficial advantages that this research program will develop through EOS technology, will help the energy mix of the Republic of Cyprus, since both EOS technology and other companies involved in this research, are top and very successful in their industry. Indicatively, we mention Turboden, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Cleandrone, Fichtner.

Developing an environmentally friendly green culture, making Cyprus competitive in all sectors of the economy, as small Cyprus cannot compete with any industrial country, but no industrial country can compete with the sea, the sun and the clean climate of Cyprus.

The map of innovative research centers Cyprus

The global technology revolution in the production and supply of electricity with full storage and the possibility of a competitive 24-hour autonomous system is being implemented with EOS technology through the European tender NER 300, according to the CEO of Alfa Mediterranean Enterprises Ltd Andreas Ioannou.

“The research proposal submitted by Alfa Mediterranean Enterprises Ltd aims to make Cyprus a pioneer on the map of innovative research centers that will bring the global revolution, replacing liquid and solid fuels with lower production costs, contributing to so in the suppression of pollutants and global warming,” he says.

The uniqueness lies in the coexistence of a commercial development of production and supply of electricity from RES with a research unit, further upgrading the technology, making it even after 2050 a unique application for complete detoxification from liquid and solid fuels with a continuous 24-hour electricity flow.

Benefits are seen by local communities

The Kouris – Xyllourikou complex (Allasa, Korfi, Apessia, Limnati, Ag. Mamas, Kapilio, Trimiklini, Lania, Dorio, Monagri, Agios Georgios and Sylikos) expresses their support for the 24HourSolar proposal, submitted within the framework of Call for Horizon 2020 LCE11 2017 for a CSP system coordinated by ALFA Mediterranean Enterprises Ltd.

“We have the intent and will provide access to the local community for information purposes and raise awareness of the Alaska pilot area,” the 12 communities said.

They are still looking forward to the cluster’s effective participation in solar energy projects and are aiming to ensure that these communities benefit from cooperation and networking of other communities working to achieve the same goals for a sustainable and socially equitable energy that will lead to mitigation of climate change.

EU targets by 2030

By 2020, Member States of the European Union are seeking to produce at least 20% of the total energy produced from renewable energy sources, as referred to in Directive 2009/28 / EC on Renewable Energy Sources. Following these ambitious targets and the progress made, the European Council took a decisive step towards the 2030 objectives.

Through this, the 2030 climate and energy framework sets three key targets for 2030:

  • At least 40 % cuts in greenhouse gas emissions (from 1990 levels) • Share of at least 27% for renewable energy sources
  • At least 27% improvement in energy efficiency.

The challenges for possible technological developments:

  1. Create an optimum demo plant next to the Alasa Commerce Plant, using improved technologies of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) proven spin cycle to facilitate development work that targets the project. ORC technology is considered very promising for CSP small scale installations up to 20MW thanks to zero water consumption. Specific research and development activities will be developed on key elements to improve efficiency, performance and cost reduction.
  2. The research center will be next to the main plant and will benefit financially by sharing some resources, thus using co-financing to the maximum extent possible.
  3. Research and development will focus on the technology wash options and the performance of ORC machines coupled with proven pulse and toner technology as storage.
  4. The small demonstration system will aim to shrink technologies that fully meet the requirements of the call for environmental, social and community acceptance, but more to demonstrate the effective use of technologies for applications in developing countries, low energy islands, offering solutions to meet local electricity requirements that are comparatively cost effective between 2MW to 20MW

Source: InCyprus

Cooperation Partners
  • Logo for Cyprus Investment Funds Association
  • Logo for Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism
  • Logo for Association of Cyprus Banks
  • Logo for Love Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism
  • Logo for Invest Cyprus
  • Logo for Cyprus International Businesses Association
  • Logo for CYFA Cyprus
  • Logo for Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Logo for Cyprus Shipping Chamber