articles | 20 May 2021

First ever traceable honey in the world is in Cyprus

On the occasion of World Bee Day on Thursday a group of bee keepers reminded that the first ever traceable honey in the world is here in Cyprus.

“We control every step of the process and want to share it with you as we believe in food transparency,” said the bee keepers behind a new company called Apianthos.

“We control all aspects, we build our own hives, use our own wax, and breed our own queens. We don’t cut any corners, and we move the hives all the time,” they added.

Eighty per cent of honey which is for sale in supermarkets is fake and merely syrup, as the bees are fed sugar, they also said.

The experts also pointed out that anybody who scans one of their jars can see the results of the many studies which have gone into the production of the honey.

The experience of the team even guarantees that the bees are bred to be gentle, and the team members do not need any protective clothing but work in T-shirts around the bees.

This is achieved by selecting the best queen over many years and using insemination.

Source: In-Cyprus

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