articles | 11 October 2021

First clinic for patients with long Covid operating at Nicosia General

The first Clinic for long COVID patients is operating at the Nicosia General Hospital, the State health Services Organisation announced.

The Clinic treats patients who have been discharged from hospital, but are still suffering from coronavirus complications, the announcement says.

Their main symptoms include chronic fatigue, breath shortness, while some are still in need of oxygen. Other symptoms include disorders affecting sleep, memory and concentration, which have an impact on the daily lives of patients.

International reports estimate that around 30% of patients with COVID-19 continue to experience at least one problem twelve weeks after the acute phase. In Cyprus this percentage is estimated to affect around 30,000 patients, the announcement says.

An interdisciplinary team, with doctors from various specialties, comprises the Clinic. Patients are referred to SHSO long COVID Clinics either after their discharge from hospital or following a referral by their GP, the announcement concludes.

Source: Cyprus Mail


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