articles | 25 October 2019 | EY Cyprus

EY Seminar on Mergers, Acquisitions and Redomiciliations Unlocked from a Corporate Tax, Legal and VAT angle

EY is organizing a seminar on Mergers, Acquisitions and Redomiciliations Unlocked from a Corporate Tax, Legal and VAT angle. The Seminar to be held on October 30th in Limassol and October 31st in Nicosia, is being organized jointly by EY’s Legal, International Tax and VAT teams. It aims to provide an evaluation of the tax and legal changes, while outlining major consideration points for the executives and stakeholders involved in mergers, acquisitions and redomiciliations.

  • Part of EY’s Tax and Legal Seminar series
  • Accredited by the Cyprus Bar Association
The seminar is part of the recently launched Tax and Legal Seminar series, which offer updates and hands-on training on the ever-evolving domestic, international tax and regulatory practices. It follows the successful session on Unlocking Substance from a Legal, Direct Tax and VAT Angle. The seminar is accredited by the Cyprus Bar Association and is addressed to accounting, tax, finance and legal officers and consultants, as well as businessmen and investors who need to consider tax and legal matters in their organizations.

With the imminent Brexit deadline, the seminar will focus on the legal, tax and VAT impact of acquisitions and re-domiciliations involving Cypriot entities. During the session, technical aspects of the current legal framework, as well as the recent and future developments will be discussed, with emphasis on the practical operational environment, from a tax and legal perspective.

Practical implications on the Cyprus legal framework will be demonstrated through real case examples, including specific domestic and international entities. Participants will have the opportunity to test their knowledge on the spot, by interactively using a live quiz device. The seminar will also be available on video-on-demand to address the needs of EY’s global clientele.

Philippos Raptopoulos, Partner and Head of Tax Services of EY Cyprus, commented: “Cyprus is about to implement regulatory changes with both Direct Tax and VAT provisions, relating to the implications of the mergers of entities and company redomiciliations. Our Seminar will provide an evaluation of the tax and legal changes, outlining major consideration points for the executives and stakeholders involved in mergers, acquisitions and redomiciliations”.

Simos Simou, Coordinating Manager of Tax and Legal related seminars of EY Cyprus, commented: “Our holistic, interactive sessions, concentrating on practicality, are delivered by a dedicated team of certified trainers. With the use of modern technology, case studies, team exercises and quizzes, attendees can interactively engage in resolving tax and legal issues expected in their daily work. After the successful seminar on Substance, we look forward to interactively unlock all three major angles of mergers, acquisitions and re-domiciliations”.

You can find the provisional schedule for all EY upcoming seminars here:

Cooperation Partners
  • Logo for CYFA Cyprus
  • Logo for Cyprus International Businesses Association
  • Logo for Love Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism
  • Logo for Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Logo for Association of Cyprus Banks
  • Logo for Cyprus Shipping Chamber
  • Logo for Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism
  • Logo for Cyprus Investment Funds Association
  • Logo for Invest Cyprus