articles | 03 July 2013

EU roaming charges reduced

Cytamobile-Vodafone has reduced international roaming charges for countries within the EU, according to a statement released yesterday.

Roaming rates for calls, the sending of SMS and MMS within the EU are as follows:

  • Outgoing calls to EU countries cost €0.283 per minute. For incoming calls while the subscriber is in an EU country the charge is €0.083 per minute. An SMS is charged at €0.094 and the delivery and collection of MMS is €0.531
  • Charges for mobile internet roaming are divided into four zones and separated into subscribers who have a monthly mobile internet plan and those who do not.
  • Zone one consists of selected Vodafone networks and monthly internet subscribers who are charged €0.35 per MB, while subscribers that don’t have a monthly plan are charged €0.53 per MB.
  • Zone two covers the EU. Monthly plan subscribers and those without a plan are charged €0.53 per MB.
  • Monthly plan subscribers are charged €9.30 per MB and subscribers without a monthly plan are charged €12.69 per MB for using the network in zone three.
  • Monthly plan subscribers and those without a plan are charged €16.43 per MB for using the network in zone four.

For more information on the list of countries by zone for calls, as well as the list of networks per zone for mobile internet use, go to You can also contact the call centre on 132 for more information or follow @ cytasupport on twitter.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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