articles | 10 January 2014

EU Commissioner to present 'Horizon 2020' program in Cyprus

The EU will allocate €80 bln for research and innovation in the period 2014-2020, through the program 'Horizon 2020'.

According to a relevant announcement, the program will be officially presented in Cyprus, in the presence of European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn. Events for 'Horizon 2020' are being organized in Cyprus by the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development and the Research Promotion Institute. During an event on January 16, in the old part of Nicosia, organizers will inform the public about the program’s targets, themes and procedures to receive funding.

The program, which constitutes the EU’s instrument for financing research and innovation activities, puts emphasis on innovation, Europe’s social challenges and simplified access to European funding.

Source: Financial Mirror

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