“The comprehensive formation evaluation program confirmed the same gas-water contact and connection with the discovery well showing Zohr as a single and continuous mega tank of natural gas, fully comprised in the Egyptian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and within the Shorouk Block,” said ENI, referring to the results of the first Zohr appraisal well.
ENI said that the appraisal well had “excellent reservoir characteristics” with 305 metres ‘net pay’ – a measure of volume.
“The appraisal plan envisages the drilling of 3 further wells to fully delineate the field which holds a potential of up to 30 trillion cubic feet of lean gas in place (5.5 billion of barrels of oil equivalent in place),” it added.
Recently ENI announced the completion with the Egyptian authorities of the approval process for the development of Zohr field.
The news about Zohr came as ENI announced further plans for another discovery in Egypt’s Nile Delta. It said it had successfully drilled the Nidoco North 1X well. This is in Nooros East, in the Abu Madi West licence in the Nile Delta.
The Nooros area, which started production in September 2015, just two months after the initial Nooros discovery, is expected to reach a production of approximately 45,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed).
ENI, through its subsidiary IEOC, holds a 75% stake in the concession of Abu Madi West, while BP holds a 25% stake.
ENI recently extended its licences for Blocks 2, 3 and 9 in the Cyprus EEZ.
Source: InCyprus