articles | 05 October 2020

Energy upgrade announced for schools

Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou on Friday announced on Friday an energy upgrade for 25 schools as a first step to convert the buildings to minimal energy consumption.

The upgrade is expected to save around €250,000 in energy costs per year.

Pedia project (Promoting Energy Efficiency and Developing Innovative Approaches in Schools) aims at a holistic infrastructural upgrade for school buildings to bring them close to zero energy consumption.

Prodromou said during the presentation of Pedia that this includes the installation of modern systems for bioclimatic improvement and ‘green’ technological solutions, the landscaping of the school space, as well as the quality improvement of the technical and other functions of schools.

“With the Pedia programme, we invest in the energy upgrade of the school buildings, creating better conditions for children and teachers,” he said. “Today we present a truly important innovation, which we expect will radically improve school premises in the coming years.”

The programme, he said, was fully consistent and is combined with the study carried out by the education ministry’s technical services for air conditioning in schools. He added that his ministry aims to combine the energy upgrade of school buildings with air conditioning.

“This action is fully in line with the new European framework, ‘European Green Deal 2030’, according to which EU countries must make school buildings more functional and to deal with the effects of climate change but also to become essential places of learning and education on sustainability,” he said.

The project concerns a pilot programme for the upgrade of 25 schools in all districts, but the idea is to later expand to 100 schools. The annual budget for the first 25 schools has been set at €750,000 for the period 2022 and 2026/27.

Prodromou said the goal was to cover all schools, that are around 750, through the EU Recovery Fund.

The Pedia programme will take into account and adapt to the energy upgrades that have already been made in about 60 schools in the context of anti-seismic or other upgrade and the installation of photovoltaic systems in 405 schools that is just starting now based on an agreement made with the Authority Electricity of Cyprus (EAC).

The Pedia project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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