articles | 07 October 2020

Eight in 10 Cypriots have very good or good health status

Eight in 10 Cypriots said they have very good or good state of health, according to the findings of the European Health Interview Survey for 2019 that the Statistical Service released today.

The Report provides statistical information related to the health status of the population, longstanding illnesses or longstanding health problems, accidents, physical conditions, personal care, emotional condition, health care services, smoking, alcohol consumption and other health related topics.

According to the main findings, the most frequent long-standing health problems are hypertension, high blood cholesterol, low back disorder or other chronic back defect, neck disorder or other chronic neck defect, diseases of the joints (arthritis excluded) and diabetes.

During the past 12 months, 8.3% of the population was admitted in a hospital or clinic as an inpatient, 67.6% of the population aged 15 years and over visited general practitioners or family doctors, 64.6% of the population aged 15 years and over visited medical or surgical specialists, 59.3% of the population visited a dentist or an orthodontist and during the the past 2 weeks, 37.2% of the population used prescribed medicines.

Source: In-Cyprus


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