articles | 09 January 2023

Deputy shipping ministry organises hybrid webinar on the use of alternative fuels in shipping

The deputy shipping ministry is organising on January 19 a hybrid webinar to analyse the opportunities, risks and prospects for the development and use of alternative fuels in shipping sector.

According to a statement from ministry, the webinar will take the form of a live SWOT analysis where all experts from industry and academia will assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of fuels including hydrogen, ammonia, biofuel and methanol. The three-hour webinar will be held on Thursday 19 January at 15:30 in collaboration with the University of Houston (US), and will be hosted by PwC’s Experience Centre in Nicosia, divided into sessions relating to each fuel (hydrogen, ammonia, biofuels and methanol). Each session will feature a presentation from the session’s key speaker, followed by interventions by the audience in formulating the SWOT Analysis and concluding remarks from a risk assessment analyst.

Deputy minister of shipping, Vassilis Demetriades, said that Cyprus is making a positive contribution to the global shipping scene with the launch of yet another innovative initiative. “Our initiative to organise a live SWOT analysis together with the Division of Energy and Innovation of the University of Houston will be extremely useful for Regulators and Industry in identifying R&D priorities with the aim of ensuring the effective use of funds and more targeted research to accelerate the uptake of non-fossil fuels,” he noted.

“We look forward to hosting a diverse range of experts and believe that their insights, and the outcomes of scheduled discussions, will drive positive progress in shipping’s journey towards achieving its net-zero ambitions. We are building together a greener future for shipping ,” he added.

Those who wish to attend the hybrid meeting and/or contribute with their views to the SWOT analysis can register online at the following link:

Source: Cyprus Mail

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