articles | 22 May 2019

Cyprus urged to increase public’s involvement in innovation

The Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe research missions are a fast and effective way of connecting to the public, the director general at the Department of Research and Innovation of the EC, Jean Eric Paquet said recently.

Paquet was in Nicosia addressing a citizens’ dialogue titled ‘From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe, research and innovation perspectives for Cyprus’ at the finance ministry.

He said the public needed to be reconnected with innovation by capturing their imaginations as well as providing knowledge and solutions for the transitions Europe is facing. Science and innovation are also needed to tackle deep economic challenges and to increase productivity, he said.

The five mission areas under the Horizon programme are climate change adaptation, cancer, healthy oceans, smart cities and soil health and food.

Referring to the Cypriot researchers, Paquet said that they need to engage in the collective European research, to identify their priorities and work in sync with their neighbours.

Cyprus’ chief scientist for research and innovation, Kyriakos Kokkinos, said Cyprus was determined to succeed in research and innovation.

Although Cyprus was a moderate innovator, he said, it has significant potential and the goal is to provide support in the areas of research and innovation so that Cypriot companies can transform themselves.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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