articles | 05 October 2016

Cyprus unemployed figure drops to four-year low in September 2016

The number of registered unemployed dropped in September 2016 by 1,779 in a month to 34,007, which is a four-year low, or to a seasonally adjusted 37,115, the statistical service said.

In September, the number of persons registered as jobless at the district labour offices fell by 11% – or 4,358 – compared with the respective month of 2015, Cystat said in a statement on its website on Wednesday.

The drop in the number of unemployed in September was mainly on a decline in the number of jobless in the areas of construction by 1,219, manufacturing by 672, trade by 540 and public administration by 457, Cystat said. The hospitality industry absorbed 456 unemployed persons, while the number of job-seekers in transportation and newcomers dropped by 438 and 536 respectively.

The registered unemployment data provides no unemployment rate figure. According to Eurostat, the unemployment rate in Cyprus remained in August unchanged at 12.1% compared with July.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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