articles | 27 June 2013

Cyprus to absorb €120 million from EU agricultural programme

Cyprus will be able to absorb €120 million from the 2014-2020 EU agricultural development programme, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Giorgos Kouyialis said, adding that during the first three years of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Troika, Cyprus will be able with hard work to absorb all the funds allocated to the Republic.

In statements on his return from Luxembourg, where he attended the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council which discussed the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy for 2014-2020, Kouyialis said EU Ministers agreed, after lengthy negotiations, on this reform, adding that there was also an agreement between the Council and the Commission and that the whole issue will be discussed at the European Council

The Minister noted that Cyprus has secured an increase in the percentage of the co-funding by the EU from 50% to 73% regarding the agricultural development programme for the years 2014 and 2015.

This, he pointed out, will help absorb, in the next two years, all the funds allocated to Cyprus in the agricultural development programme.

“Cyprus can absorb 120 million euro between 2014-2020 and we will try to just that in the next couple of years. We have secured a higher co-funding for 2013 as well, so during these three years of the Memorandum (with our international lenders) we will receive this aid with the right programming and hard work.”

Last March Cyprus agreed with international lenders on 10 billon euro aid package, under which it closed down the Popular Bank, and imposed painful losses on deposits of more than 100,000 euros held at the euro zone state`s biggest lender, Bank of Cyprus. Both institutions were heavily exposed to the Greek debt.

Responding to a question, Kouyialis assured Cypriot citizens that the Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) that has affected poultry farms in Kokkinotrimithia area in Cyprus is no threat to humans and noted that if the research conducted shows that the virus was transferred from the northern Turkish occupied areas of the island, then he will ask the EU to provide the compensation to affected farms.

Thousands of poultry have been destroyed recently by the Veterinary Services in a bid to prevent the spread of the NDV in Cyprus’ government controlled areas.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded and occupied 37% of its territory.

Source: Financial Mirror

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