articles | 05 February 2019

Cyprus on course to full employment

The unemployment figures released by the statistical service showing a 14% drop year-on-year, confirmed that Cyprus was on course to full employment, the government said recently.

In a statement, it highlighted the importance of maintaining the balanced policy followed by the government.

“A policy that combines prudent fiscal management with encouragement of investment activity, which must progress through the required changes and reforms, as well as promotion of new activities relating to technology, research and innovation,” the government said.

CyStat said Tuesday the number of registered unemployed for January 2019 dropped to 24,091 compared with 24,333 the previous month.

Compared with January last year, unemployment fell by 5,038, or 14%, mainly on jobless reductions in trade by 1,158, public administration, 583, accommodation and food service activities, 578, manufacturing, 537, construction, 526, education, 173, and to newcomers in the labour market by 1,538.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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