articles | 27 March 2020

Cyprus Ministry lists approved labs for coronavirus testing

People wishing to get tested for Covid-19 may now do so on their own initiative and expense by visiting private labs, the health ministry said Thursday.

Samples taken by the designated labs will be sent to the Institute of Neurology and Genetics for final processing. The information will then be communicated to the health ministry’s epidemiological monitoring unit, which will contact individuals to inform them whether they tested positive or negative.

In an announcement, the ministry clarified that individuals opting to visit a private lab will be doing so on their own initiative and not on a referral from health authorities. Individuals will pay for the coronavirus test in full.

The ministry listed the labs currently authorized to test people. All designated labs must use out the prescribed Covid-19 detection method with RT-PCR analysis. They are as follows:

ACT-BIO laboratories partnership (biomedical laboratories Charis Charilaou, Andreas Adamou laboratory and Biocheck clinical laboratory);


Theocharides clinical laboratories;

Mendel Center for Biomedical Sciences;

MyGene Molecular Diagnostics;

Diogenous laboratory (C.D. DNA Biomedical Science Lab);

KP Lambrou Labs Ltd;

Bioatriki Group (Yiannoukas labs);

Partnership of Bioanalysis Clinical Labs (Limassol), Tymvios labs (Nicosia), PZ Agapiou Diagnostics;

NIPD Genetics (from Sunday, March 29);

Molecular department of the laboratory at the American Medical Center (from Monday, March 30).

The list of approved labs may be updated from time to time.

Source: Cyprus Mail


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