articles | 05 July 2021

Cyprus high on list of CT scanners per capita

Cyprus has the second highest availability of computer tomography (CT) scanners and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) units in hospitals relative to the number of inhabitants among the EU27, according to 2019 figures published by Eurostat on Friday.

Denmark led with 4.0 CT scanners per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Cyprus (3.5), Bulgaria (2.9), Italy and Sweden (both 2.6).

Romania had the smallest number of CT scanners per 100,000 inhabitants (0.9), followed by France (1.1), the Netherlands, Poland and Slovakia (all 1.4).

The availability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) units relative to the number of inhabitants was highest in Finland (with 2.9 MRI units per 100000 inhabitants), Cyprus (2.0), Italy (1.8) and Sweden (1.7), while the lowest availability was in Slovakia and Romania (both 0.4 MRI units per 100 000 inhabitants), followed by Bulgaria, Latvia and Poland (all 0.6).

Between 2014 and 2019, the availability of CT scanners relative to the number of inhabitants increased in most Member States with available data (see notes). The highest increases were recorded in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia (all +0.4 scanners per 100,000 inhabitants), while the highest decreases were registered in Luxembourg and Finland (both -0.5 scanners per 100,000 inhabitants) as well as Portugal (-0.4).

The availability of CT scanners per 100,000 inhabitants did not change in Germany and Greece.

During the same period, the most notable increase in the availability of MRI units was recorded in Finland with an increase of 0.5 units per 100 000 inhabitants, followed by Portugal (+0.4), while a slight decrease was recorded in France (-0.1 units per 100 000 inhabitants). The availability of MRI units per 100,000 inhabitants did not change in Belgium, Greece and Malta.

Source: Cyprus Mail


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