articles | 15 April 2014

Cyprus has region’s biggest genetics research centre

The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING) has the biggest research infrastructure in the area of genetics in the region, said its acting chief executive medical director, as the organisation marked world DNA day.

Established in 1990, CING is a bi-communal, non-profit, academic, medical centre whose mission is to develop and provide high level medical and clinical laboratory services, develop and pursue advanced research and provide education in the areas of neurology, genetics, biomedical, medical and other similar and related sciences.

A unique feature of the institute is the combination of services, research and training with the goal of improving the health and quality of life of patients.

“At CING we are especially proud of the world DNA day because our institute has the biggest research infrastructure in the area of genetics in Cyprus and the surrounding region,” said acting chief executive medical director, Professor Leonidas Phylactou during a presentation at the premises.

CING was among an international group of institutes and universities from across the world that decoded the human genome – genetic information encoded as DNA sequences. “The name of the institute is in this very important publication in Nature magazine, on decoding the first human DNA in 2003,” Phylactou said.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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