articles | 05 August 2021

Cyprus gets ready to offer booster dose of a coronavirus vaccine

Authorities in Cyprus are getting ready to offer a third, booster dose of a coronavirus vaccine mainly to elderly and vulnerable health-wise people, Philenews reported on Thursday citing insiders.

One of them also said the issue has already been discussed between Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantela and members of the team of scientists advising the government on Covid-19.

In the meantime, the Minister said he has asked the  Deputy Ministry of Innovation to be ready with the vaccination appointment portal in view of the imminent green light on this by the European Organisation of Pharmaceuticals.

“Since we are an EU member we must abide by the bloc’s rules and regulations. When the EU gives us the green light, then we should be ready,” he also said.

Physicians and public-health experts argue that a booster shot is necessary even  though the matter is still under study.

Although some vaccines, such as the one for measles, offer lifelong protection against a virus, other shots don’t.

Source: In-Cyprus


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