articles | 01 June 2021

Cyprus checks more items off relaxation list

Further easing of Covid restrictions go into effect Tuesday in the Republic of Cyprus, with daily cases remaining very low but a night curfew still remains in place until middle of next week.

According to an announcement issued by the health ministry last week, the maximum number of persons allowed to be present in house gatherings starting June 1 will increase from 10 to 20, including tenants both adults and minors.

State officials said the positivity rate stood at 0.09% by the end of the weekend, with daily coronavirus cases firmly in the double digits following a recent spike that was brought down by strict measures.

But a daily night curfew from 1am to 5am will remain in effect, according to the latest decision by the President’s Cabinet, until movement restrictions are lifted altogether on June 10.

Additional measure relaxations starting June 1 specify that exceptions to the 20-person-cap rule for house gatherings are only allowed for weddings and christenings provided that permission from the health ministry is obtained in advance.

The number of people allowed indoors in public places, such as religious places of worship, casinos, conference and trade fair venues, theatres, amphitheatres, and other performing arts venues is set at 50% of the capacity of each venue, provided that persons over the age of 12 will have a SafePass.

Wedding, baptism, and funeral events will be allowed provided that actual physical presence of people inside the place where the ceremony takes place does not exceed 50% of its capacity. SafePass is also required.

It will also be permitted to organize social functions, such as weddings, christenings, and graduation parties in restaurants, event and reception areas, hotels and tourist accommodations, nightclubs, entertainment centers as well as music and dance venues, under the following conditions: 150 people indoors for lunch or dinner, or 280 people outdoors for lunch or dinner, 250 people at any time only outdoors for a reception/cocktail party. Once again, all indoor attendees aged over 12 must have a SafePass.

Also from June 1, the operation of all private tutoring facilities and private learning centers will be permitted, along with social activities, in accordance with the capacity of each room on the premises. But a minimum number of 7 people can be set if the school manager wishes to set an absolute minimum, with the trainer also counted in the total.

Once again, a SafePass for people over 12 is required for tutoring lessons and indoor social activities.

Based on government decisions, conferences and trade fairs will be allowed to run at 50% capacity. For indoors, SafePass must be presented by all persons aged over 12. Casinos will operate with a capacity not exceeding 50% on the premises, while a SafePass must be presented by all persons aged over 12 for indoor use.

Indoor and outdoor playgrounds, amusement parks, and theme parks will also be allowed to operate but without any organization of social events or functions.

As for workers, the announcement noted that the physical presence of company employees in the private service sector, as well as departments and services in the public and wider public sectors, will be allowed as long as they do not exceed 50% of the total number of employees. Work classified as essential services can be exempted from the rule.

Source: Knews


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