The rise in tourist arrivals in April was mainly on an increased number of travellers from the UK, Cyprus’ traditionally largest market of incoming tourism, to 91,391 which is 9.6% more compared to the respective month of 2015, Cystat said in a statement on its website on Tuesday. Arrivals from Russia, which developed in recent years into Cyprus’s second largest source of incoming tourism, rose 53% to 38,591, partly as a result of geopolitical tensions.
Arrivals from Greece and Germany fell on the other hand in the fourth month of the year 6.4% and 19% to 16,685 and 9,317 respectively, Cystat said.
In the first fourth months of the year, total arrivals rose 22% to 477,183 compared to the respective period a year before, Cystat said.
In a separate statement, Cystat said that the number of Cyprus residents who travelled abroad in April fell an annual 5.6% to 87,255.
Source: Cyprus Mail