articles | 18 March 2014

Cypriots' view on the economy, according to Eurobarometer

As regards the expectations from the EU the majority of the Cypriots (50%) as well as the EU citizens (47%) expect that the EU will help to improve the economy and to combating the crisis.

The vast majority of Cypriots seems to be pessimistic with the economy, according to the findings of the Eurobarometer survey. Specifically, 97% of Cypriots say the present condition of the Cypriot economy is bad, which is the highest percentage among the 28 EU member states, after Greece (98%), and much higher than the EU average (68%). Only 27% of Cypriots said that they conceive their personal job situation as good, the second lowest rate after the Greeks (22 %), while in EE28 54% provided this answer in the specific question.

Regarding the current situation of employment in Cyprus, 92% of the people consider it as bad. The percentage in Greece is 99%, while the European average is 78%. The 77% of the Cypriots answered that the most important issue facing Cyprus right now is unemployment (5% increase from Spring 2013) and the 74% that is the economic situation.

Source: Famagusta Gazette

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