articles | 13 May 2014

Cypriots more optimistic about economy

Cypriots appear more optimistic over their personal finances than they did in the autumn 0f 2013, according to the latest Eurobarometer survey.

According to a Eurobarometer survey, conducted for the European Commission in March 2014, 53% of Cypriots say that the financial standing of their household is good or rather good, while 47% say it is bad or rather bad. Positive responses rose by 11 percentage points since the previous survey last November.

However, 93% of Cypriots say the employment situation is bad, compared to an EU average of 76%.
26% of the respondents said they thought the Cypriot economy would improve in the next 12 months, with 43% saying the opposite and 27% believing it will be the same.

In terms of employment, 21% of Cypriots believed it would improve in the next 12 months while 47% expected unemployment to worsen and 28% saying it would stay the same.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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