articles | 26 March 2020

COVID19: Lockdown hopes to break chain of transmission

Strict measures imposed on people movement seek to break the chain of virus transmission and slow the Cyprus outbreak that has claimed three deaths, said Interior Minister Nicos Nouris.

Lockdown measures will be in place until April 13.

As of March 24, anyone going outdoors must fill out a printed form explaining their reasons or send an SMS to the authorities.

The measures will include exceptions but only for three hours maximum.

Nouris said those who try to abuse the system will be subject to €150 fines stipulated in the Decree.

“We are at war which we can only win if we stay in our shelters.”

He appealed to everyone’s social conscience, sense of solidarity and belonging in the society “which tries to respond to an unprecedented attack.”

“What’s at stake is none other than the health of our own people, our family,” said Nouris.

There are two types of official forms.

The first is an authorisation from one’s employer, to be filled out and signed by the employer; self-employed must fill out and sign the form themselves.

The second form concerns going out for non-work reasons and each individual must fill it out and sign it to request an exemption from the restrictions for day-to-day movement.

There are eight different reasons for being allowed to venture out:

  • visiting a pharmacy, a doctor, or for a blood donation
  • visiting a store to obtain essential goods or services; visiting a bank if a transaction cannot be done online
  • absolutely necessary visits to state services, public-sector services or municipal services
  • visiting persons who are unable to help themselves or are in self-isolation or quarantine
  • going outdoors for exercise or to walk one’s pet, for two people together maximum and the distance is close to one’s residence
  • going to funerals, weddings or baptisms, provided you are a first-degree or second-degree relative and the gathering must be no more than 10 people at any one time
  • any other reason (generic) for moving outside that may be justified despite the restrictions
The forms should be filled out before going outdoors where police checks will be in force.

People should send an SMS requesting permission to go outside. The SMS must be sent to the number 8998 (no charge).

To compose the SMS, first type a number from 1 to 8 corresponding to one of the eight reasons you are going outside; then space; your ID number; space; your postcode; and then send the message.

But this system crashed on Tuesday under the weight of messages, so Cypriots were urged to fill in a form before going out.

If an official form can’t be obtained fill out a self-made one with relevant information.

All related information and the forms are available in both Greek and English at

Source: Financial Mirror


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