articles | 22 June 2021

Covid-19 situation in Cyprus quite good, positivity rate remains stable

The Covid-19 situation in Cyprus is quite good in general in all epidemiological indicators with the positivity rate in the last week remaining stable at 0.1%, according to the National Surveillance Report as of 15 June, published on Friday.

Regarding cases diagnosed, there was a shift to younger ages (23.1% and 21.1% of the cases registered in the age groups 20-29 and 30-39 respectively0 where the percentage of vaccination coverage remains at a lower level.

The report also indicates the positivity rate per district remained stable, at 0.0% in Larnaca, Famagusta and Paphos districts and at 0.1% in Limassol district. In Nicosia there was a small increase, from 0.0% to 0.1%.

As of June 15th, 2021, a total of 72,258 Covid-19 cases have been diagnosed, of which 378 died due to Covid-19 (case fatality risk: 0.5%). In the last 14 days (02 – 15 June, 2021), 818 cases were diagnosed.  The report says the median age was 30 years; 50.1% were males , 49.6% females and for two cases (0.2%) information is not currently available.

A total of 818 cases were sampled and notified, 13.8% (113) were imported and 86.2% (705) were locally-acquired.

As of June 16th, 2021, 39 people were still hospitalised. The median age of patients still hospitalised due to Covid-19 is 58 years, 76.9% are males and 43.6%  are from Limassol district. Nineteen cases (48.7%) still hospitalised have comorbidities. Of 9 cases in intensive care units (ICU), who are currently notified and diagnosed till June 15th, 8 are intubated. The median age of current ICU patients is 63 years and 7 are males. Four patients currently in ICU have pre-existing conditions.

Over the last 14 days, 86,196 RT PCR and 506,982 rapid antigen tests have been performed (9,705.6 RT PCR and 57,092.6 rapid antigen tests per 100,000 population).

All analyses are based on laboratory-confirmed cases notified to the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health. As of June 15th, 2021, 72,258 cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) have been diagnosed (laboratory-confirmed).

According to the characteristics of cases diagnosed in the last 14 days among 818 cases diagnosed since June 2nd, 2021, 50.1% were males (410), 49.6% females (406), and for two cases (0.2%) information is not currently available.

The median age of all cases diagnosed in the last 14 days is 30 years. The median age of adult cases) is 35 years (IQR: 27-47 years).

Regarding the clinical features of the cases, 29.6% (242) reported no symptoms at diagnosis and 70.4% (576) reported at least one symptom.

As far as pre-existing conditions, 121 cases (14.8%) reported at least one comorbidity.

The median age of hospitalized patients was 62 years. Hospitalized cases were mainly males (2,214), 57.8%).

The median age of patients diagnosed till June 15th and still hospitalized, due to Covd-19, as of June 16th, 2021 ( 39), including those discharged on that day) is 58 years, 76.9% (30) are males, and 43.6% (17) are from Limassol district. Nineteen cases (48.7%) still hospitalised have comorbidities.

Overall, 388 cases (10.1% of all hospitalized patients) have been admitted to ICU. The median age of patients ever admitted to ICU was 67 years. ICU patients were mainly male (259) 66.8%. The overall median length of stay in ICU (for all ICU cases) was 14 days.

As of June 16th, 2021 and based on records which rapidly evolve, of those diagnosed till June 15th, 9 cases are still in ICU (including deaths / discharged on that day). The median age of current ICU patients is 63 years and 7 (77.8%) are males. Four (44.4%) patients currently in ICU have pre-existing conditions.

The number of cases currently in ICU is 1 per 100,000 population (as of June 16th, 2021, including deaths/discharged on that day).

A total of 370 ICU patients (95.4% of all ICU patients) have been intubated – currently there are 8 patients intubated in ICU (including deaths/discharged/extubated on that day). Figure 7 shows the number of patients in ICU, by day and intubation status. As of June 16th, 2021, among cases alive, 98% (70,334) of COVID-19 cases have recovered/released from isolation.

Among cases diagnosed until 15th June 2021, 378 Covid-19 associated deaths were reported in the  Republic  of Cyprus until June16th, 2021. Deaths occurred in 254 men (67.2%) and 124 (32.8%) women; the median age of all Covid-19 associated deaths was 79 years.

By  district  of residence,  deceased  cases  were135 (35.7%)  from  Limassol, 131 (34.7%) from Nicosia, 66(17.5%) from Larnaka, 27 (7.1%) from Pafos, 15 (4%) from Famagusta, and four deaths (1%) occurred  among  cases reported  either  in the British  Bases or had a residence abroad, or information was not available.

The median time from date of sampling to death (due to Covid-19) was 13 days.

Among cases diagnosed until 15th June2021, 453 deaths (all causes) were reported in the Republic of Cyprus until June16th, 2021. Deaths occurred in 306men (67.6%) and 147(32.4%) women; the median age of all deaths  was 79 years .

By  district  of  residence,  deceased  cases were 168 (37.1%) from Limassol, 151 (33.3%) from Nicosia, 78 (17.2%) from Larnaca, 34 (7.5%) from Pafos, 18 (4%) from Famagusta, and four deaths (0.9%) occurred among  cases reported  either  in the British  Bases  or had  a  residence  abroad. The median time from date of sampling to death(all-causes) was 13 days.

Source: In-Cyprus


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