articles | 03 April 2020

Coronavirus: no danger of running out of local produce, Kadis assures

Cyprus is able to produce agricultural produce in enough quantities to meet the needs and the demands of its population, Agriculture Minister Costa Kadis said on Thursday.

Kadis said there was no risk of food shortages in Cyprus. However, he conceded that there may be problems with importing certain products because of the coronavirus outbreak and the travel bans in force in several countries around Europe.

He said, however, that this situation “creates an opportunity to get to know and enjoy our local products, which we’ll never run out of. This way we can also support our local farmers.”

Kadis said that, thanks to its climate, Cyprus is able to produce almost all the necessary agricultural products in quantities that are enough to meet the needs of the entire population.

“Fruits and vegetables, red and white meat, bread, dairy products and fish. These are all products that are being produced every day,” Kadis said.

“Let’s not forget that our country receives more than four million visitors per year, he added. “Not only we are able to offer a huge variety of local products to tourists, we also export those products to many European countries.”

He also said the government has also made special arrangements to send large quantities of products and live animals to Israel.

At the same time, he added that Easter, a time when people normally consume more food, will prove how the country is not currently in danger of facing shortages.

Meanwhile, Panagrotikos Farmers Union called on farmers to continue with their agricultural activities and, under no circumstances, to reduce their production.

“If necessary, we will urge the government to grand additional subsidies to the farmers to reduce the risks of them facing difficulties,” the union said in a statement.

“The government has already shown its support for the farmers in these difficult times, when we all need to stay on top of the circumstances and everyone needs to contribute in their own way to keeping the agricultural industry alive.”

Source: Cyprus Mail

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