articles | 15 June 2020

Coronavirus: Gyms, casinos reopen, no more working from home for vulnerable groups

Gyms, casinos and other recreational activities resumed on Saturday around three months after the lockdown was imposed.

Casinos, dance and martial arts schools, gyms, theme parks and luna parks are now allowed to reopen as part of relaxation of measures against the spread of Covid-19.

Gyms will operate at half of their capacity and only with reservations. Changing rooms and shower areas must remain closed.

As regards other types of sports, the health ministry’s protocol stipulates that, until June 28, there can be no contact between two athletes in indoor spaces such as punching in martial arts, or shoulder to shoulder contact in claiming the ball between rival teams in futsal games.

People in both vulnerable groups – A and B – who have been working from home since the pandemic outbreak are also required to return to their workplaces from Saturday. This follows a cabinet decision last week abolishing special arrangements concerning people in vulnerable groups, both group A and B.

Theatres and cinemas will most probably be able to open at the beginning of August whereas festivals, concerts, christening and wedding receptions will be allowed from September 1.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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