articles | 16 November 2020

Coronavirus case fatality risk in Cyprus stands at 0.6%

A national surveillance report published Friday showed that by November 8, the island’s pandemic had seen 33 coronavirus fatalities after 5,854 detected cases, indicating a case fatality rate of 0.6%.

The report was presented during a press conference held by members of the government’s health advisory committee, Dr Constantinos Tsioutis, Dr George Nikolopoulos and Dr Zoe-Dorothea Pana.

According to the figures, the 14-day cumulative diagnosis rate is 247.5 per 100,000 population.

The report showed that over the 14 days of the period between October 26 and November 8, 2,168 cases were diagnosed. Of the 2,168 cases, clinical information is available for 93.4 % (n = 2,024), of which 30.7% (n = 621) reported no symptoms at diagnosis and 69.3% (n = 1,403) reported at least one symptom.

The median age of cases detected is 35 years and 49.5% are female, while by place of exposure 7.5% (n = 163) were imported, 85.8% (n = 1,860) were locally-acquired, and 6.7% (n = 145) are unknown.

Figures show that by November 11, 66 people were hospitalized and their median age was 66 years (IQR: 57-78 years), while 68.2% were males.

Among cases hospitalized, six were in intensive care units (ICU) and four were intubated. The median age of current ICU patients is 69.5 (IQR: 64-72) years and 83.3% are males. Five out of six (83.3%) patients currently in ICU have pre-existing conditions.

A total of 511,689 tests had been performed by November 8 (58,418.8 per 100,000 population). Specifically, over the last 14 days, 47,773 tests have been performed (5,454.1 per 100,000 population).

By age group, cases include 343 infants, children and adolescents aged 0-17 years- old (15.8%), 1,501 adults aged 18-59 years (69.2%), 305 persons aged 60 years and older (14.1%), and for 19 cases (0.9%) information was missing.

Among all cases diagnosed in the last 14 days, 1,266 (58.4%) were reported in the Limassol district, 213 (9.8%) in Paphos, 351 (16.2%) in Nicosia, 173 (8.0%) in Larnaca, 86 (4%) in Famagusta, and 79 (3.6%) were reported either in the British bases or had a residence abroad, or information was not available.

Deaths and hospitalizations

Among cases diagnosed until November 8, 33 coronavirus-associated deaths were reported in Cyprus (Case Fatality Risk - CFR: 0.6%). The COVID-19 associated mortality is 3.8 per 100,000 population.

Twenty deaths (60.6%) involved men and 13 (39.4%) women; the median age of all deaths was 76 years (IQR: 68-82 years). Ten deaths involved Limassol residents, nine in Larnaca, seven in Paphos, five in Nicosia, and two in Famagusta.

The median time from date of sampling to death (due to COVID-19) was 11 days (IQR: 5-18 days).

In total, 6.9% (n = 401) of people with coronavirus received hospital care, as of November 11. The median age of hospitalized patients was 60 years (IQR: 47-73 years). Hospitalized cases were mainly males (n=243; 60.6%).

The median age of patients still hospitalised (n=66) is 66 years (IQR: 57-78 years), 68.2% (n = 45) are males, and 60.9% are from Limassol district. 44 cases (71%) still hospitalised have comorbidities.

Overall, 41 cases (10.2% of all hospitalized patients) have been admitted to ICU. The median age of patients ever admitted to ICU was 67 years (IQR: 58-74 years). ICU patients are mainly male (n = 31; 75.6%).

The overall median length of stay in ICU (for all 39 ICU cases) was 11 days (IQR: 7- 30 days).

By November 11, six cases are still in ICU (including deaths / discharged on that day). The median age of current ICU patients is 69.5 (IQR: 64-72) years and 83.3% are males. Five out of six (83.3%) patients currently in ICU have pre-existing conditions.

The number of cases currently in ICU is 0.7 per 100,000 population (as of November 11, including deaths/discharged on that day).

A total of 36 ICU patients (87.8% of all ICU patients) have been intubated - currently there are four patients intubated in ICU (including deaths/discharged on that day).

By November 11, among cases alive, 34.8% (n = 2021) of COVID-19 cases have recovered4; of which 1,310 (64.8%) tested negative two consecutive times, and 711 (35.2%) have been released as per the new guidelines.

The median time between the second negative result and the first date of sampling was 19 days (IQR: 18-30 days).

Source: Knews


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