articles | 06 December 2019 | CFA Society Cyprus

CFA Society Cyprus welcomed its new members

CFA Society Cyprus welcomed its 20 new members at a special award ceremony in Nicosia, in the presence of Mr Richard Fernand, the Senior Director of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme of the CFA Institute. By awarding its new members with the CFA Charterholder designation, the society has further increased its membership, which now numbers over 174 members.

20 professional financial analysts received the CFA Charterholder designation

The 20 new members received the top certification of Chartered Financial Analyst, which is awarded by the CFA Institute that is based in the US. The certification requires successfully passing three levels of professional exams, as well as completing a four-year work experience in Finance, and specifically in the field of investment management.

Addressing Cyprus’ new CFAs, Mr Richard Fernand focused on the value of ensuring the continuous education of professionals in the investment sector, as well as the significance of the CFA designation. Apart from providing Charterholders with expertise, it also helps them network with other industry professionals, providing them with the necessary tools to become professionals with a high level of integrity, thereby reflecting the values of the CFA designation.

The President of CFA Society Cyprus, Mr Panayiotis Mavromichalis, also congratulated the new members, noting that Charterholders ought to be proud, as this designation is considered to be the top distinction in the field of investment management, while a wide range of both practical and academic knowledge is needed in order to obtain it. “The professional CFA designation is an ongoing educational procedure, which allows Charterholders to keep abreast of the changing market environment, making them even more competitive”, he added.

The new members of CFA Society Cyprus are: Adamos Hadjiantoniou, Alkis Andreas Hajittofis, Andreas Charidemou, Andreas Konstantinou, Chrysostomos Christofi, Costas Michael, Dmitriy Maximov, Ganna Dotsa, Irene Yerolemou, Larisa Arshinskaya, Marios Antoniou, Michael Louca, Niki Tsivitanou, Nikita Pestrikov, Panagiotis Ioannou, Pantelis Charalampous, Prodromos Papanikolaou, Savvas Christodoulou, Spyros Ierides, Thalia Kounouni.

CFA Society Cyprus congratulates its new members once again, and encourages them to continue advocating for the moral values and high level of professionalism that the CFA Institute stands for.


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