Transport Minister Marios Demetriades said that a June 2014 cabinet decision which provides that hydrocarbon companies would have to leave Larnaca this year remained in place and only another decision of the same body can overturn it as the political balance in the town’s municipal council remains fragile.
Read full articleIn a recent decision of the English Supreme Court inFHR EUROPEAN VENTURES LLP –V- CEDAR CAPITAL HOLDINGS LLC (2015) it has been held that, where an agent acquires a benefit, which came to his notice, as a result of his fiduciary or trustee position (including a business opportunity), the equitable rule is that the agent shall be treated as having acquired the benefit, or opportunity on behalf and for the account of his principal. The principal is considered as the beneficial owner of such benefit, and has a proprietary remedy to trace and recover such benefits, in addition to his personal remedy against his agent. The principal can elect between the two remedies.
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