In the wake of the collapse of FTX, which was ranked as the world’s third-largest cryptocurrency exchange just days before declaring bankruptcy[1], this is a concise attempt to comprehend what caused the downfall of the cryptocurrency giant in layman’s terms and appreciate the lack of regulatory oversight, auditing and corporate governance failures exposed from this saga.
Read full articleThe juxtaposition is fitting, of course. A diplomat and a chicken delving into the magic that is: the Limassol Carnival. Today’s guest has put his passion where his pen is and written an absolutely fascinating, and historically invaluable, book about this annual ritual in Cyprus. Over 14 years and 160 interviews later, he has given us a compilation of stories and photographs that will make you ache with nostalgia and launch you into a state of colour, laughter, dance, and celebration. Stelios Georgiades loves life; his quest to understand the essence of differing cultures, to bridge the gaps between us, has led to an intriguing parallel with the thing he loves most. Join us on the first day of the extravaganza for a journey through his life and our carnival.
Read full articleVarious indicators only serve to confirm previous forecasts expecting the Cypriot economy to experience a slower growth rate throughout 2023, while managing to avoid a recession, according to a report released this week by the Centre for Economic Research of the University of Cyprus.
Read full articleVarious indicators only serve to confirm previous forecasts expecting the Cypriot economy to experience a slower growth rate throughout 2023, while managing to avoid a recession, according to a report released this week by the Centre for Economic Research of the University of Cyprus.
Read full articleOn the 4th June 2018 the Republic of Cyprus along with 21 other Member States and Norway agreed to sign a Declaration creating a European Blockchain Partnership for the specific purpose of establishing a European Blockchain Services Infrastructure. The ambition and underlying purpose of this European Blockchain Partnership, was to support the delivery of cross-border digital public services, enhance the security and privacy of this sector and (although not expressly stated) to prevent any potential calamities in the financial-blockchain sector.
Read full articleThe Finance Ministry on Wednesday announced that the Cabinet has approved a bill amending the Income Tax Law, allowing for an additional tax exemption, in the form of a capital deduction for specific capital expenditures, for Cypriot businesses who want to implement a range of energy-saving measures.
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