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Fitch Ratings has upgraded the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of the Bank of Cyprus (BoC) to BBB- from BB+, assigning a positive outlook.
The Deputy Ministry of Shipping is advancing plans to construct new headquarters on the site of the former ‘Nemitsas’ factory in Limassol, following recently introduced public investment procedures.
Tourist arrivals in Cyprus recorded a year-on-year increase of 7 per cent in February 2025, with an additional 32,865 visitors arriving on the island during the first two months of the year.
Cyprus is growing as a top choice for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe, said Invest Cyprus CEO Marios Tannousis. Tannousis addressed an i ...
Cyprus’ macroeconomic outlook is positive with growth expected to reach 4% in 2018 and 3.9% in 2019, Hellenic Bank said recently.
A satellite casino will open in Nicosia on December 10, 2018 and one in Larnaca on December 17, 2018 Melco executive president Lawrence Ho has said.
Arrivals of tourists reached 433,617 in October 2018 compared to 406,870 in October 2017, recording an increase of 6.6%, according to Statistical Service figures.
The government said recently it is open to the idea of channelling a portion of the proceeds from the citizenship-by-investment scheme to funding a soon-to-be-unveiled affordable housing programme.
The Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices climbed by 1.9% in October 2018, compared with the respective period of last year, due to increases in prices for housing, water, electricity and gas.
Energy Minister Giorgos Lakkotrypis announced that ExxonMobil has started drilling at an offshore field inside the island’s exclusive economic zone.
The plenum recently passed a supplementary budget of €295 million with 24 votes for and 18 abstentions.
The first estimate for euro area (EA19) exports of goods to the rest of the world in September 2018 was €184.8 billion, a decrease of 1.0% compared with September 2017 (€186.6 bn).
According to data released by Eurostat, in 2017, flows of money sent by residents of the European Union (EU) to non-EU countries, (personal transfers), amounted to €32.7 billion, compared with €31.8 bn in 2016.
The AMPA & Israeli Shipyards consortium has submitted a €1.2b bid for the redevelopment of Larnaca port and marina, including a commercial and residential development on 220,000 square metres of land around the port and marina, according to press reports.