The 5th MED-7 Summit which will take place on Tuesday 29th January, in Nicosia, is set to focus on the great challenges the EU is faced with today, including the migration crisis, Brexit, energy security, the next multi-annual fiscal framework, developments in the euro area and climate change.
Read full articleFurther to a relevant decision of the Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) regarding its participation in the share capital of the Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A. (HEnEx S.A.), it was announced that the transfer of 10% of the share capital of the above company to the CSE was completed on 18 December 2018 in Athens.
Read full articleMoody’s rating agency, stated that there was a decline by €5.6 billion in non-performing exposures (NPEs) stemming from the resolution of the co-operative bank (CCB) and the transfer of its NPEs to an asset management company. The rating agency stated that the decline is is a credit positive for the Cypriot banking system because it reduces asset quality risks and supports depositor confidence.
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