EY Cyprus presents the first EY Attractiveness Survey Cyprus 2020, which aims to measure the country’s attractiveness as an investment destination in terms of image, investor confidence and its ability to provide competitive advantages for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The survey is part of the broader EY Attractiveness program that has a 19-year legacy and examines investor sentiment for different countries and regions globally. The survey for Cyprus was conducted by CSA Research between 5th and 26th June by means of telephone interviews with more than 100 decision-makers from foreign companies in 16 countries. The report also draws on material from EY European Investment Monitor (EIM), database.
Read full articleWith the constant strengthening of AML regulation and enhancing transparency around the globe, the Seychelles has already enacted the Beneficial Ownership (BO) Act 2020, which entered into force on 28 August 2020, along with the BO Regulations 2020. The purpose of the Act is threefold: to provide for the identification and verification of beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements, to establish and maintain up-to-date registers of beneficial owners and a centralised database, and related matters.
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